
Questionable ethics black mesa
Questionable ethics black mesa

questionable ethics black mesa

Awesome Music: Courtesy of Joel Nielsen.What was once a long, laborious, somewhat cryptic puzzle is now a proper boss fight, with only the mightiest becoming the true winner in the end, and Gordon Freeman's victory is made all the more significant with this overhaul.

#Questionable ethics black mesa series#

With Nihilanth no longer cowering behind a series of teleportation attacks to get Gordon away from him, he instead now resorts to throwing gigantic piles of debris his way, some of it teleported directly from Earth! But luck is on Gordon's side his friends on the other side still manage to teleport vital supplies his way, feeding him the ammunition he needs to break through Nihilanth's shields and end him once and for all.

questionable ethics black mesa

  • Awesome Boss: In spite of the Anti-Climax Boss entry above, Nihilanth's direct, mano-a-mano approach to fighting Gordon is a huge spectacle.
  • Nonetheless, the presentation is still top-notch. To make a long story short, this fight isn't padded out like in the original, and it feels a bit easier than the elevator fight that takes place before this chapter. The supplies that would have been provided from the teleportation sequences are instead teleported into the arena itself as the Nihilanth attempts to summon debris to throw at you in fits of rage. There's no need to use the launch pads to gain enough height in order to get a shot at his brain. Alongside dodging his more lethal attacks and shattering the yellow crystals like in the original game, you attack his exposed cranium from the ground once he's weak enough. Instead, you're meant to break his shield generators (foreshadowed by a similar puzzle regarding some Alien Controllers), then shatter his second shield with direct damage and damage him once there are enough holes in it. He takes a more direct approach to fight you, not bothering to teleport you periodically as you weaken him.
  • Anti-Climax Boss: Zigzagged with Nihilanth.

  • Questionable ethics black mesa