
Opposite sides of the river bible
Opposite sides of the river bible

Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9-10). In the Lord’s Prayer, he instructs them to pray, “Your kingdom come. In the Sermon on the Mount, he inducts his followers into the values, ethics, and practices of this new kingdom. Jesus’ teachings, as recorded by Matthew, speak directly to our life at work. Kingdoms are concerned with governance, economics, agriculture, production, justice, defense-issues we see in most workplaces. The workplace consequences of living in God’s kingdom are profound. The kingdom of heaven “ has come near.” It has come here to this world. When we read “kingdom of heaven,” we may think of harps, clouds, and angel choirs, but Jesus is clear that the kingdom of heaven refers to God’s rule on earth.

opposite sides of the river bible

To guide us in this way of life and work, Jesus discusses workplace matters such as leadership and authority, power and influence, fair and unfair business practices, truth and deception, treatment of workers, conflict resolution, wealth and the necessities of life, workplace relationships, investing and saving, rest, and working in organizations with policies and practices that are at odds with biblical norms.Īt the beginning of his earthly ministry, Jesus announces that “the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 4:17). Until it comes to completion, Jesus’ followers are to live and work according to God’s call as “resident aliens”  in this present world. This kingdom “has come” to earth, even though it has not yet become completely realized here. In doing so, he constantly points us toward the world’s true identity as the “kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew uses “kingdom of heaven” and “kingdom of God” interchangeably see Matthew 19:23-24).


In telling the story of Jesus, Matthew shows us how to navigate the human world using God’s compass. At the same time, as Christians we are subjects of God's kingdom, committed to his values and expectations. We stand with one foot in the human world, where our work may be subject to unspoken expectations that may or not be in accordance with God’s ways. As followers of Jesus Christ, we live in two worlds.

opposite sides of the river bible

Matthew, the tax collector-turned-apostle, recounts Jesus’ actions and teachings to show us how God intends us to live and work in his new kingdom. Work is an essential component of God's kingdom. Introduction to the Book of Matthew Back to Table of Contents Back to Table of Contents

  • Learning From the Psalms How to Pray Through Your Work.
  • Beyond Rank and Power: What Philemon Tells Us About Leadership.
  • Evangelism - Sharing the Gospel at Work.
  • 10 Key Points About Work in the Bible That Every Christian Should Know.

  • Opposite sides of the river bible